BoldSign (Preview)

BoldSign is a secure, easy-to-use electronic signature solution that provides legally binding ways to send, sign, and manage documents.

This connector is available in the following products and regions:

Service Class Regions
Logic Apps Standard All Logic Apps regions except the following:
     -   Azure Government regions
     -   Azure China regions
     -   US Department of Defense (DoD)
Name BoldSign Support
Connector Metadata
Publisher Syncfusion-Inc
Categories Content and Files;Productivity
Privacy policy

BoldSign is an online e-signature application and the BoldSign connector covers the following scenarios

  • A user can listen for trigger and send out a document for signing based on the information from the trigger.
  • A user can listen for a document completed event and download the signed PDF document to store it in their preferred cloud storage or any action they prefer.
  • A user can monitor the status or get the status of a document and perform actions based on it such as sending a reminder via email or SMS through another service or connector.
  • A user can listen for multiple events such as sent, authentication failed, declined, expired etc. to perform actions based on the information provided via the event trigger.

Creating a connection

The connector supports the following authentication types:

Default Parameters for creating connection. All regions Not shareable


Applicable: All regions

Parameters for creating connection.

This is not shareable connection. If the power app is shared with another user, another user will be prompted to create new connection explicitly.

Name Type Description Required
Select Region string Select the BoldSign regional data centre where the account resides

Throttling Limits

Name Calls Renewal Period
API calls per connection 100 60 seconds


Download AuditTrail

Download the audit trail of a completed document.

Download Document

Downloads the PDF file of the given document ID.

Get Document Status

Retrieves the document status and its information of a document.

Send document using template with recipient

Send a document out for signature using a specified template to a recipient.

Download AuditTrail

Download the audit trail of a completed document.


Name Key Required Type Description
Document Id
documentId True string

Provide document ID

On Behalf Of
onBehalfOf string

Select an email address to perform the action on behalf of another person


Download Document

Downloads the PDF file of the given document ID.


Name Key Required Type Description
Document Id
documentId True string

Provide document ID

On Behalf Of
onBehalfOf string

Select an email address to perform the action on behalf of another person


Get Document Status

Retrieves the document status and its information of a document.


Name Key Required Type Description
Document Id
documentId True string

Provide document ID


The response object of the document properties request.

Send document using template with recipient

Send a document out for signature using a specified template to a recipient.


Name Key Required Type Description
templateId True string

Select Template

Sandbox Mode
isSandbox True boolean

When enabled, BoldSign will send signature requests in sandbox mode, allowing you to test the integration

Document title
title True string

Enter document title

Document description
message string

Enter document description

cc string

Enter one or more email addresses separated by comma

brandId string

Select Brand

On behalf of
onBehalfOf string

Select an email address to send on behalf of another person

Expiry days
expiryDays integer

Please provide the number of days after which the document will expire

Document labels
labels string

Provide one or more labels for the document, separated by commas

Hide document ID
hideDocumentId boolean

When enabled, the ID imprint will be hidden at the top of the document

Allow print and sign
enablePrintAndSign boolean

When allowed, the signer will be able to print and sign the document

Allow reassign
enableReassign boolean

When allowed, the signer will be able to reassign the document to others

Enable auto reminder
enableAutoReminder boolean

When enabled, BoldSign will send automated reminder emails at the specified frequency

signers True dynamic

The signers of the document.


The response object of the template send document request.


Webhook Events

This triggers documents webhook event.

Webhook Events

This triggers documents webhook event.


Name Key Required Type Description
Select Webhook Events
events True string

Select webhook event to which flow should be triggered.

Team user's events
adminMode True boolean

Enable this option to receive notifications for events triggered by your team members. Account admins will also receive notifications for events across the entire organization. If disabled, you will only receive notifications for your own events.


Webhooks Event Data.



The response object of the template send document request.

Name Path Type Description
Document Id
documentId string

The ID of the document created.


The response object of the document properties request.

Name Path Type Description
Document Status
status string

The status and other information of the document


Webhooks Event Data.

Name Path Type Description
Event Id string

The event id

event.created integer

The event created date time

Event Type
event.eventType string

The type of the event

Client Id
event.clientId string

The client id

event.environment string

The environment type

data.object string

The type of object

Document Id
data.documentId string

The id of the document

Document Title
data.messageTitle string

The document title

Document Description
data.documentDescription string

The document description

Document Status
data.status string

The document status

Sender Name string

The sender name

Sender Email
data.senderDetail.emailAddress string

The sender email

data.signerDetails array of object

The signer details

Signer Name
data.signerDetails.signerName string

The signer name

Signer Role
data.signerDetails.signerRole string

The signer role

Signer Email
data.signerDetails.signerEmail string

The signer email

Country Code
data.signerDetails.phoneNumber.countryCode string

The country code

Phone Number
data.signerDetails.phoneNumber.number string

The phone number

Signer Status
data.signerDetails.status string

The signer status

Enabled Access Code
data.signerDetails.enableAccessCode boolean

Indicates whether access code enabled or not

Authentication Failed
data.signerDetails.isAuthenticationFailed string

Indicates whether authentication failed or not

Enabled Email OTP
data.signerDetails.enableEmailOTP boolean

Indicates whether email OTP enabled or not

Delivery Failed
data.signerDetails.isDeliveryFailed boolean

Indicates whether document delivery failed or not

data.signerDetails.isViewed boolean

Indicates whether document viewed or not

Signer Order
data.signerDetails.order integer

The signer order

Signer Type
data.signerDetails.signerType string

The signer type

data.signerDetails.isReassigned boolean

Indicates whether signer reassigned or not

Reassign Message
data.signerDetails.reassignMessage string

The reassign message

Decline Message
data.signerDetails.declineMessage string

The decline message

Last Activity Date
data.signerDetails.lastActivityDate integer

The last activity date

Authentication Type
data.signerDetails.authenticationType string

The authentication type

Identity Verification Type
data.signerDetails.idVerification.type string

The identity verification type

Maximum Retry Count
data.signerDetails.idVerification.maximumRetryCount integer

The maximum retry count

Identity Verification Status
data.signerDetails.idVerification.status string

The identity verification Status

Name Matcher
data.signerDetails.idVerification.nameMatcher string

The name matcher type

Required Live Capture
data.signerDetails.idVerification.requireLiveCapture boolean

Indicates whether live capture required or not

Required Matching Selfie
data.signerDetails.idVerification.requireMatchingSelfie boolean

Indicates whether matching selfie required or not

Allowed Field Configuration
data.signerDetails.allowFieldConfiguration boolean

Indicates whether field configuration required or not

CC Emails
data.ccDetails array of

The cc email addresses

On Behalf Of
data.onBehalfOf string

The on behalf of email

Created Date
data.createdDate integer

The document created date

Expiry Date
data.expiryDate integer

The document expiry date

Enabled Signing Order
data.enableSigningOrder boolean

Indicates whether signing order enabled or not

Disabled Emails
data.disableEmails boolean

Indicates whether emails are disabled or not

Revoke Message
data.revokeMessage string

The revoke message

Error Message
data.errorMessage string

The error message

data.labels array of

The document labels

Combined Audit
data.isCombinedAudit boolean

Indicates whether audit trail is combined with document or not