Clang project properties (Android C++)

Property Description Choices
Additional Include Directories Specifies one or more directories to add to the include path; separate with semi-colons if more than one. (-Ipath).
Debug Information Format Specifies the type of debugging information generated by the compiler. None - Produces no debugging information, so compilation may be faster.
Full Debug Information (DWARF2) - Generate DWARF2 debug information.
Line Number Information - Generate Line Number information only.
Object File Name Specifies a name to override the default object file name; can be file or directory name. (/Foname).
Warning Level Select how strict you want the compiler to be about code errors. Other flags should be added directly to Additional Options. (/w, /Weverything). Turn Off All Warnings - Disables all compiler warnings.
EnableAllWarnings - Enables all warnings, including any disabled by default.
Treat Warnings As Errors Treats all compiler warnings as errors. For a new project, it may be best to use /WX in all compilations; resolving all warnings will ensure the fewest possible hard-to-find code defects.
Enable Verbose mode Show commands to run and use verbose output.
Optimization Specifies the optimization level for the application. Custom - Custom optimization.
Disabled - Disable optimization.
Minimize Size - Optimize for size.
Maximize Speed - Optimize for speed.
Full Optimization - Expensive optimizations.
Strict Aliasing Assume the strictest aliasing rules. An object of one type is never assumed to be at the same address as a different type object.
Omit Frame Pointer Suppresses creation of frame pointers on the call stack.
Enable C++ Exceptions Specifies the model of exception handling to be used by the compiler. No - Disable exception handling.
Yes - Enable exception handling.
Unwind Tables - Generates any needed static data, but doesn't affect the code generated.
Enable Function-Level Linking Allows the compiler to package individual functions in the form of packaged functions (COMDATs). Required for edit and continue to work. (ffunction-sections).
Enable Data-Level Linking Enables linker optimizations to remove unused data by emitting each data item in a separate section.
Enable Advanced SIMD(Neon) Enables code generation for NEON floating point hardware. Only applicable to ARM architecture.
Floating-point ABI Selection option to choose the floating point ABI. Soft - 'Soft' causes compiler to generate output containing library calls for floating-point operations.
SoftFP - 'SoftFP' allows the generation of code using hardware floating-point instructions, but still uses the soft-float calling conventions.
Hard - 'Hard' allows generation of floating-point instructions and uses FPU-specific calling conventions.
Security Check The Security Check helps detect stack-buffer over-runs, a common attempted attack upon a program's security. (fstack-protector). Disable Security Check - Disable Security Check.
Enable Security Check - Enable Security Check. (fstack-protector)
Position Independent Code Generate position-independent code (PIC) for use in a shared library.
Use Short Enums Enum type uses only as many bytes required by input set of possible values.
Enable Run-Time Type Information Adds code for checking C++ object types at run time (runtime type information). (frtti, fno-rtti)
C Language Standard Determines the C language standard. Default
C89 - C89 Language Standard.
C99 - C99 Language Standard.
C11 - C11 Language Standard.
C99 (GNU Dialect) - C99 (GNU Dialect) Language Standard.
C11 (GNU Dialect) - C11 (GNU Dialect) Language Standard.
C++ Language Standard Determines the C++ language standard. Default
C++03 - C++03 Language Standard.
C++11 - C++11 Language Standard.
C++14 - C++14 Language Standard.
C++03 (GNU Dialect) - C++03 (GNU Dialect) Language Standard.
C++11 (GNU Dialect) - C++11 (GNU Dialect) Language Standard.
C++14 (GNU Dialect) - C++14 (GNU Dialect) Language Standard.
Preprocessor Definitions Defines preprocessing symbols for your source file. (-D)
Undefine Preprocessor Definitions Specifies one or more undefines to the preprocessor. (-U macro)
Undefine All Preprocessor Definitions Undefine all previously defined preprocessor values. (-undef)
Show Includes Generates a list of include files with compiler output. (-H)
Precompiled Header Create/Use Precompiled Header: Enables creation or use of a precompiled header during the build. Use - Use a Precompiled Header.
Not using Precompiled Headers - Not using a Precompiled Header.
Precompiled Header File Specifies header file name to use for precompiled header file. This file is also added to 'Forced Include Files' during build
Precompiled Header Output File Directory Specifies the directory for the generated precompiled header. This directory is also added to 'Additional Include Directories' during build
Compile Precompiled Header As Select compile language option for precompiled header file (-x c-header, -x c++-header). Compile as C Code - Compile as C Code.
Compile as C++ Code - Compile as C++ Code.
Compile As Select compile language option for .c and .cpp files. 'Default' will detect based on .c or .cpp extension. (-x c, -x c++) Default - Default.
Compile as C Code - Compile as C Code.
Compile as C++ Code - Compile as C++ Code.
Forced Include Files one or more forced include files. (-include name)
Multi-processor Compilation Multi-processor Compilation.
Additional Options Additional Options.