Use virtual network data gateway and data sources in Power BI

Virtual network data gateways allow import or direct query semantic models to connect to data services within an Azure virtual network without the need of an on-premises data gateway.

In Power BI, VNET data gateways require a Power BI Premium capacity license (A4 SKU or higher or any P SKU).

Manage Virtual network data gateways

You can manage admins for a virtual network data gateway like you do for standard data gateways either in the Power Platform admin center or on the Manage gateways page in Power BI.

Screenshot of the Gateway Cluster Settings page with a virtual network gateway selected and the gateway's data displayed.

Manage data sources

You can also create data sources and share these data sources to users like you do today for data sources created on the standard data gateway.

Screenshot of the Data Source Settings page with the data source settings filled out.

Supported Azure data services

The VNet Data Gateway can be used to connect securely to your data sources. There are a few different ways you can use the VNET to connect:

  1. Connecting to your private resources in Azure. For this scenario, you will need to setup a private endpoint and private DNS zone or service endpoints on your data source.
  2. Connecting to your private resources outside of Azure. For this scenario, you will need to use Express Route and/or VPNs.
  3. Connecting to public resources.

In scenarios 1 and 2 above, all traffic will remain on the Azure backbone and is never exposed to the public internet.

Azure sources that support secure private endpoint connectivity (scenario 1 described above):

  • Azure AI Search
  • Azure Batch
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Azure Cosmos DB v1
  • Azure Cosmos DB v2
  • Azure Cost Management
  • Azure Database for PostgreSQL
  • Azure Data Explorer (Kusto)
  • Azure Data Factory Workspace
  • Azure Data Lake Analytics
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1
  • Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Databricks workspace
  • Azure DevOps (Boards only)
  • Azure Function
  • Azure HDInsight Cluster
  • Azure HDInsight on Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) Trino
  • Azure HDInsight on Demand Cluster
  • Azure HDInsight Spark
  • Azure Keyvault Service
  • Azure Machine Learning
  • Azure Resource Graph
  • Azure Synapse Analytics workspace
  • Azure Synapse Workspace
  • Azure SQL
  • Azure SQL Managed Instance
  • Azure Table Storage
  • Azure Snowflake

Sources supported through either public endpoints or secure private endpoint connectivity with Express Route or VPNs (scenarios 2 and 3 from above):

  • Acterys
  • Access Database
  • Adobe Analytics
  • AdMaD
  • Admin Insights
  • Amazon RDS for SQL Server
  • Amazon Redshift
  • Amazon S3
  • Analysis Services
  • Anaplan Connection Configuration
  • appFigures
  • Aptix - Integrations Platform Insights
  • AriaConnector
  • Asana
  • Assemble Views
  • AtScale cubes
  • Autodesk Construction Cloud
  • Automation Anywhere
  • AutomyDataAnalytics
  • AutoPremium
  • BitSightSecurityRatings
  • Bloomberg Data and Analytics v1.1.3
  • BQECore
  • Capacity Metrics
  • CData Connect Cloud
  • Celonis EMS
  • Cherwell Data Connector v1.0
  • CloudBluePSA
  • CloudScope
  • CloudScopeInstagram
  • Cognite Data Fusion (CDF)
  • Common Data Service (Legacy)
  • Confluent Cloud
  • Connect to comScore Digital Analytix
  • Connect to Viva Insights Data
  • CSV
  • Databricks
  • Dataflows
  • Datamarts
  • Dataverse
  • DataWorld.semantic model
  • DCW - Integrations Platform Insights
  • Delta Sharing
  • Digital Analytix
  • Dremio Cloud
  • Dremio Software
  • Dynamics 365
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Dynamics 365 Business Central (on-premises)
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Insights
  • Dynamics NAV
  • Eduframe
  • ElasticSearch
  • Emigo.Contents
  • EmplifiMetrics
  • EntersoftBusinessSuite
  • EQuIS
  • EventHub
  • eWayCRM
  • Excel
  • Fabric Data Pipelines
  • FactSetAnalytics
  • FactSetRMS
  • Fhir
  • From Paxata
  • FTP
  • GitHub
  • GitHub - Source Control (preview)
  • Goals
  • Google Pub Sub
  • Google BigQuery
  • Google BigQuery (Azure AD)
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Sheets
  • HDInsight Interactive Query
  • Hexagon PPM Smart API
  • Hive Live Long and Process (LLAP)
  • Http
  • HTML
  • IBM Netezza
  • Impala
  • Azure Enterprise
  • IndustrialAppStore
  • InfinityConnector
  • Information Grid BI Services
  • Intune Data Warehouse
  • inwink source
  • IoTHub
  • JamfPro
  • JDIConnector
  • JSON
  • KaizalaAttendanceReports
  • KaizalaReports
  • KaizalaSurveyReports
  • Kinesis
  • Kognitwin v1.1
  • Lakehouse
  • LEAP.Contents
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • LinkedIn Learning
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Microsoft Teams
  • MetricsCES
  • MetricsDataConnector
  • Microsoft Teams Personal Analytics
  • Microsoft 365
  • MicrosoftCallQuality
  • MicroStrategy for Power BI ver. 2.4.5
  • mixpanel
  • MongoDBAtlasForPipeline
  • MongoDBForPipeline
  • myob_ar
  • MySQL
  • Navigational data
  • OData
  • Office365Mon2
  • Oracle Cloud Storage
  • PDF
  • Plantronics
  • Planview Enterprise Architecture
  • Planview IdeaPlace
  • Planview Objectives and Key Results (OKR)
  • Planview Portfolios
  • Planview ProjectPlace
  • PostgreSQL
  • Power BI dataflows (Legacy)
  • Power BI Semantic Model
  • ProductInsights
  • Productioneer Connector
  • Profisee
  • QuestionPro Connector
  • Quick Base Connector
  • QuickBooks Online
  • REST
  • Roamler
  • Samsara API Get Records (Beta)
  • Salesforce Objects
  • ScopevisioPowerBICon
  • Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
  • SentryOne
  • ShareAdvance ProjectIntelligence Data Source Information
  • SharePoint
  • ShortcutsBI
  • Siteimprove
  • Smartsheet.Tables
  • Snowflake
  • SocialbakersMetrics
  • SoftOne BI
  • SolarWindsServiceDesk
  • Solver
  • Spark
  • SparkPost
  • SpotlightCloudReports
  • Statistical Information System Collaboration Community (SIS-CC) Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) Connector for SDMX-CSV web services
  • SQL Server
  • SumTotal BI Connector
  • SurveyMonkey
  • Supermetrics
  • SweetIQ
  • Text file
  • TeamDesk.Database
  • Tenforce (Smart) List
  • Timelog
  • UsageMetricsCES
  • UsageMetricsDataConnector
  • Usercube
  • UserVoice
  • Viva Insights Data
  • Vena 1.0.4
  • Vertica
  • VesselInsight
  • VoiceAnalytics
  • Warehouse
  • Web
  • Web V2
  • Webtrends Analytics
  • Witivio 365 - Configuration
  • Wrike
  • WtsParadigm
  • Xero - Contents
  • XML
  • Zendesk
  • Zoho Creator
  • Zucchetti HR Infinity

Microsoft Entra ID single sign-on for Direct Query

When a user interacts with a DirectQuery report in the Power BI Service, each cross-filter, slice, sort, and report editing operation can result in queries that execute live against the underlying Azure virtual network data source. When you configure single sign-on (SSO) for an applicable data source, queries execute under the Microsoft Entra ID identity of the user that interacts with Power BI.

To enable Microsoft Entra ID SSO, on the Manage Gateways page in Power BI, go to the Data source settings page, and select the Use SSO via Azure AD for Direct Queries check box.

Screenshot of the data source settings page with Use SSO via Microsoft Entra ID for Direct queries emphasized.

Use virtual network data gateways in Power BI semantic models

A Power BI report maker or creator can now publish a report and associate the semantic model to the virtual network data gateway data source.

Screenshot of the Gateway connection showing the data sources included in the semantic model.