CrossProfileApps.CanInteractAcrossProfiles Method


Returns whether the calling package can interact across profiles.

[Android.Runtime.Register("canInteractAcrossProfiles", "()Z", "GetCanInteractAcrossProfilesHandler", ApiSince=30)]
public virtual bool CanInteractAcrossProfiles ();
[<Android.Runtime.Register("canInteractAcrossProfiles", "()Z", "GetCanInteractAcrossProfilesHandler", ApiSince=30)>]
abstract member CanInteractAcrossProfiles : unit -> bool
override this.CanInteractAcrossProfiles : unit -> bool


true if the calling package can interact across profiles.



Returns whether the calling package can interact across profiles.

Specifically, returns whether the following are all true: <ul> <li>#getTargetUserProfiles() returns a non-empty list for the calling user.</li> <li>The user has previously consented to cross-profile communication for the calling package.</li> <li>The calling package has either been allowlisted by default by the OEM or has been explicitly allowlisted by the admin via, Set). </li> </ul>

If false, the package's current ability to request user consent to interact across profiles can be checked with #canRequestInteractAcrossProfiles(). If true, user consent can be obtained via #createRequestInteractAcrossProfilesIntent(). The package can then listen to #ACTION_CAN_INTERACT_ACROSS_PROFILES_CHANGED broadcasts.

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