TelephonyManager.PurchasePremiumCapabilityResultPendingNetworkSetup Field



This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.PurchasePremiumCapabilityResult enum directly instead of this field.

Purchase premium capability was successful and is waiting for the network to setup the slicing configuration.

[System.Obsolete("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.PurchasePremiumCapabilityResult enum directly instead of this field.", true)]
public const Android.Telephony.PurchasePremiumCapabilityResult PurchasePremiumCapabilityResultPendingNetworkSetup = 15;
[<System.Obsolete("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.PurchasePremiumCapabilityResult enum directly instead of this field.", true)>]
val mutable PurchasePremiumCapabilityResultPendingNetworkSetup : Android.Telephony.PurchasePremiumCapabilityResult

Field Value

Value = 15


Purchase premium capability was successful and is waiting for the network to setup the slicing configuration. If the setup is complete within the time specified by CarrierConfigManager#KEY_PREMIUM_CAPABILITY_NETWORK_SETUP_TIME_MILLIS_LONG, subsequent requests will return #PURCHASE_PREMIUM_CAPABILITY_RESULT_ALREADY_PURCHASED until the purchase expires. If the setup is not complete within the time specified above, applications can request the premium capability again.

Java documentation for android.telephony.TelephonyManager.PURCHASE_PREMIUM_CAPABILITY_RESULT_PENDING_NETWORK_SETUP.

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