OracleDatabaseBuilderExtensions Class


Provides extension methods for adding Oracle Database resources to an IDistributedApplicationBuilder.

public static class OracleDatabaseBuilderExtensions
type OracleDatabaseBuilderExtensions = class
Public Module OracleDatabaseBuilderExtensions


AddDatabase(IResourceBuilder<OracleDatabaseServerResource>, String, String)

Adds a Oracle Database database to the application model.

AddOracle(IDistributedApplicationBuilder, String, IResourceBuilder<ParameterResource>, Nullable<Int32>)

Adds a Oracle Server resource to the application model. A container is used for local development. This version the package defaults to the tag of the container image

WithDataBindMount(IResourceBuilder<OracleDatabaseServerResource>, String)

Adds a bind mount for the data folder to a Oracle Database server container resource.

WithDataVolume(IResourceBuilder<OracleDatabaseServerResource>, String)

Adds a named volume for the data folder to a Oracle Database server container resource.

WithDbSetupBindMount(IResourceBuilder<OracleDatabaseServerResource>, String)

Adds a bind mount for the database setup folder to a Oracle Database server container resource.

WithInitBindMount(IResourceBuilder<OracleDatabaseServerResource>, String)

Adds a bind mount for the init folder to a Oracle Database server container resource.

Applies to