AcceptedSentSharesClient.Revoke Method


Revoke an accepted sent share's access.

public virtual Azure.Operation<BinaryData> Revoke (Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, string sentShareName, string acceptedSentShareName, string repeatabilityRequestId = default, Azure.RequestContext context = default);
abstract member Revoke : Azure.WaitUntil * string * string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Operation<BinaryData>
override this.Revoke : Azure.WaitUntil * string * string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> Azure.Operation<BinaryData>
Public Overridable Function Revoke (waitUntil As WaitUntil, sentShareName As String, acceptedSentShareName As String, Optional repeatabilityRequestId As String = Nothing, Optional context As RequestContext = Nothing) As Operation(Of BinaryData)



Completed if the method should wait to return until the long-running operation has completed on the service; Started if it should return after starting the operation. For more information on long-running operations, please see Azure.Core Long-Running Operation samples.


The name of the sent share.


The name of the accepted sent share.


If specified, the client directs that the request is repeatable; that is, that the client can make the request multiple times with the same Repeatability-Request-Id and get back an appropriate response without the server executing the request multiple times. The value of the Repeatability-Request-Id is an opaque string representing a client-generated, globally unique for all time, identifier for the request. It is recommended to use version 4 (random) UUIDs.


The request context, which can override default behaviors of the client pipeline on a per-call basis.


The Operation<T> from the service that will contain a BinaryData object once the asynchronous operation on the service has completed. Details of the body schema for the operation's final value are in the Remarks section below.


sentShareName or acceptedSentShareName is null.

sentShareName or acceptedSentShareName is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.

Service returned a non-success status code.


This sample shows how to call Revoke with required parameters and parse the result.

var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var client = new AcceptedSentSharesClient("<>", credential);

var operation = client.Revoke(WaitUntil.Completed, "<sentShareName>", "<acceptedSentShareName>");

BinaryData data = operation.WaitForCompletion();
JsonElement result = JsonDocument.Parse(data.ToStream()).RootElement;

This sample shows how to call Revoke with all parameters, and how to parse the result.

var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var client = new AcceptedSentSharesClient("<>", credential);

var operation = client.Revoke(WaitUntil.Completed, "<sentShareName>", "<acceptedSentShareName>", "<repeatabilityRequestId>");

BinaryData data = operation.WaitForCompletion();
JsonElement result = JsonDocument.Parse(data.ToStream()).RootElement;


Revoke an accepted sent share

Below is the JSON schema for the response payload.

Response Body:

InPlaceAcceptedSentShareSchema for InPlaceAcceptedSentShare:
              shareKind: InPlace, # Required. Defines the supported types for share.
              id: string, # Optional. The resource id of the resource.
              name: string, # Optional. Name of the resource.
              type: string, # Optional. Type of the resource.
              properties: {
                createdAt: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. created at
                expirationDate: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Expiration date of the received share in UTC format
                receivedShareStatus: "Active" | "Reinstating" | "Revoked" | "Revoking" | "RevokeFailed" | "ReinstateFailed" | "SourceDeleted", # Optional. received share status
                receiverEmail: string, # Optional. Email of the user/receiver who received the sent share invitation and created the received share
                receiverName: string, # Optional. Name of the user/receiver who received the sent share invitation and created the received share
                receiverTargetObjectId: string, # Optional. Receiver's target object id
                receiverTenantName: string, # Optional. Tenant name of the user/receiver who received the sent share invitation and created the received share
                senderEmail: string, # Optional. Email of the sender who created the sent share invitation
                senderName: string, # Optional. Name of the sender who created the sent share invitation
                senderTenantName: string, # Optional. Tenant name of the sender who created the sent share invitation
                sharedAt: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Shared at
              }, # Required. Properties of in place accepted sent share.

Applies to