SentSharesClient.GetSentShareInvitationAsync Method


[Protocol Method] Get sent share invitation for a given sent share

  • This protocol method allows explicit creation of the request and processing of the response for advanced scenarios.
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response> GetSentShareInvitationAsync (string sentShareId, string sentShareInvitationId, Azure.RequestContext context = default);
abstract member GetSentShareInvitationAsync : string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response>
override this.GetSentShareInvitationAsync : string * string * Azure.RequestContext -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.Response>
Public Overridable Function GetSentShareInvitationAsync (sentShareId As String, sentShareInvitationId As String, Optional context As RequestContext = Nothing) As Task(Of Response)



Id of the sent share.


Id of the sent share invitation.


The request context, which can override default behaviors of the client pipeline on a per-call basis.


The response returned from the service.


sentShareId or sentShareInvitationId is null.

sentShareId or sentShareInvitationId is an empty string, and was expected to be non-empty.

Service returned a non-success status code.


This sample shows how to call GetSentShareInvitationAsync with required parameters and parse the result.

var credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
var endpoint = new Uri("<>");
var client = new SentSharesClient(endpoint, credential);

Response response = await client.GetSentShareInvitationAsync("<sentShareId>", "<sentShareInvitationId>");

JsonElement result = JsonDocument.Parse(response.ContentStream).RootElement;


Get recipient for a given sent share

Below is the JSON schema for the response payload.

Response Body:

This method takes one of the JSON objects below as a payload. Please select a JSON object to view the schema for this.

ServiceInvitationSchema for ServiceInvitation:
  properties: {
    expirationDate: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. The time at which the invitation will expire. Represented in the standard date-time format as defined by [RFC 3339](
    senderEmail: string, # Optional. Email address of the sender.
    senderName: string, # Optional. Name of the sender
    senderTenantName: string, # Optional. Tenant name of the sender
    sentAt: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Gets the time at which the invitation was sent. Represented in the standard date-time format as defined by [RFC 3339](
    shareStatus: "Detached" | "Attached", # Optional. Share status.
    state: "Unknown" | "Succeeded" | "Creating" | "Deleting" | "Moving" | "Failed", # Optional. State of the resource
    targetActiveDirectoryId: Guid, # Required. The target azure active directory id the invitation is sent to.
    targetObjectId: Guid, # Required. The target object id in the azure active directory the invitation is sent to.
  }, # Required. Properties of the service invitation type.
  invitationKind: Service, # Required. The types of invitations.
  id: string, # Optional. The unique id of the resource.
  type: string, # Optional. Type of the resource.
~+ 1 more JSON objects
UserInvitationSchema for UserInvitation:
  properties: {
    expirationDate: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. The time at which the invitation will expire. Represented in the standard date-time format as defined by [RFC 3339](
    notify: boolean, # Optional. Whether or not the recipient was notified via email.
    senderEmail: string, # Optional. Email address of the sender.
    senderName: string, # Optional. Name of the sender
    senderTenantName: string, # Optional. Tenant name of the sender
    sentAt: string (ISO 8601 Format), # Optional. Gets the time at which the invitation was sent. Represented in the standard date-time format as defined by [RFC 3339](
    shareStatus: "Detached" | "Attached", # Optional. Share status.
    state: "Unknown" | "Succeeded" | "Creating" | "Deleting" | "Moving" | "Failed", # Optional. State of the resource
    targetEmail: string, # Required. The receiver email for the invitation is being sent.
  }, # Required. Properties of the user invitation type.
  invitationKind: User, # Required. The types of invitations.
  id: string, # Optional. The unique id of the resource.
  type: string, # Optional. Type of the resource.

Applies to