RouteInstruction.CombinedMessage Property


A human-readable message for the maneuver combined with the message from the next instruction. Sometimes it is possible to combine two successive instructions into a single instruction making it easier to follow. When this is the case the possibleCombineWithNext flag will be true. For example:

10. Turn left onto Einsteinweg/A10/E22 towards Ring Amsterdam
11. Follow Einsteinweg/A10/E22 towards Ring Amsterdam

The possibleCombineWithNext flag on instruction 10 is true. This indicates to the clients of coded guidance that it can be combined with instruction 11. The instructions will be combined automatically for clients requesting human-readable guidance. The combinedMessage field contains the combined message:

Turn left onto Einsteinweg/A10/E22 towards Ring Amsterdam
then follow Einsteinweg/A10/E22 towards Ring Amsterdam.
public string CombinedMessage { get; }
member this.CombinedMessage : string
Public ReadOnly Property CombinedMessage As String

Property Value

Applies to