ApiManagementServiceResource.GetTagResources Method


Lists a collection of resources associated with tags.

  • Request Path: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/tagResources
  • Operation Id: TagResource_ListByService
  • Default Api Version: 2023-03-01-preview
public virtual Azure.Pageable<Azure.ResourceManager.ApiManagement.Models.TagResourceContractDetails> GetTagResources (string filter = default, int? top = default, int? skip = default, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
abstract member GetTagResources : string * Nullable<int> * Nullable<int> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> Azure.Pageable<Azure.ResourceManager.ApiManagement.Models.TagResourceContractDetails>
override this.GetTagResources : string * Nullable<int> * Nullable<int> * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> Azure.Pageable<Azure.ResourceManager.ApiManagement.Models.TagResourceContractDetails>
Public Overridable Function GetTagResources (Optional filter As String = Nothing, Optional top As Nullable(Of Integer) = Nothing, Optional skip As Nullable(Of Integer) = Nothing, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) As Pageable(Of TagResourceContractDetails)



| Field | Usage | Supported operators | Supported functions |</br>|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|</br>| aid | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| name | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| displayName | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| apiName | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| apiRevision | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| path | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| description | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| serviceUrl | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| method | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| urlTemplate | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| terms | filter | ge, le, eq, ne, gt, lt | substringof, contains, startswith, endswith |</br>| state | filter | eq | |</br>| isCurrent | filter | eq | |</br>.


Number of records to return.


Number of records to skip.


The cancellation token to use.


A collection of TagResourceContractDetails that may take multiple service requests to iterate over.

Applies to