ManagedClusterNodeOSUpgradeChannel.SecurityPatch Property


AKS will update the nodes VHD with patches from the image maintainer labelled "security only" on a regular basis. Where possible, patches will also be applied without reimaging to existing nodes. Some patches, such as kernel patches, cannot be applied to existing nodes without disruption. For such patches, the VHD will be updated, and machines will be rolling reimaged to that VHD following maintenance windows and surge settings. This option incurs the extra cost of hosting the VHDs in your node resource group.

public static Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterNodeOSUpgradeChannel SecurityPatch { get; }
static member SecurityPatch : Azure.ResourceManager.ContainerService.Models.ManagedClusterNodeOSUpgradeChannel
Public Shared ReadOnly Property SecurityPatch As ManagedClusterNodeOSUpgradeChannel

Property Value

Applies to