GroupQuotaEnforcementResource.UpdateAsync Method


Enables the GroupQuotas enforcement for the resource provider and the location specified. The resource provider will start using the group quotas as the overall quota for the subscriptions included in the GroupQuota. The subscriptions cannot request quota at subscription level. The subscriptions share the GroupQuotaLimits assigned to the GroupQuota. If the GroupQuotaLimits is used, then submit a groupQuotaLimit request for the specific resource - provider/location/resource. Once the GroupQuota Enforcement is enabled then, it cannot be deleted or reverted back. To disable GroupQuota Enforcement -

  1. Remove all the subscriptions from the groupQuota using the delete API for Subscriptions (Check the example - GroupQuotaSubscriptions_Delete).
  2. Ten delete the GroupQuota (Check the example - GroupQuotas_Delete).
  • Request Path: /providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/{managementGroupId}/providers/Microsoft.Quota/groupQuotas/{groupQuotaName}/resourceProviders/{resourceProviderName}/locationSettings/{location}
  • Operation Id: GroupQuotaLocationSettings_Update
  • Default Api Version: 2023-06-01-preview
  • Resource: GroupQuotaEnforcementResource
public virtual System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation<Azure.ResourceManager.Quota.GroupQuotaEnforcementResource>> UpdateAsync (Azure.WaitUntil waitUntil, Azure.ResourceManager.Quota.GroupQuotaEnforcementData data, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
abstract member UpdateAsync : Azure.WaitUntil * Azure.ResourceManager.Quota.GroupQuotaEnforcementData * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation<Azure.ResourceManager.Quota.GroupQuotaEnforcementResource>>
override this.UpdateAsync : Azure.WaitUntil * Azure.ResourceManager.Quota.GroupQuotaEnforcementData * System.Threading.CancellationToken -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Azure.ResourceManager.ArmOperation<Azure.ResourceManager.Quota.GroupQuotaEnforcementResource>>
Public Overridable Function UpdateAsync (waitUntil As WaitUntil, data As GroupQuotaEnforcementData, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) As Task(Of ArmOperation(Of GroupQuotaEnforcementResource))



Completed if the method should wait to return until the long-running operation has completed on the service; Started if it should return after starting the operation. For more information on long-running operations, please see Azure.Core Long-Running Operation samples.


The GroupQuota body details for creation or update of a GroupQuota entity.


The cancellation token to use.



data is null.

Applies to