Checks to see if the TagResource API is deployed in the current environment.
(Inherited from ArmResource)
Checks to see if the TagResource API is deployed in the current environment.
(Inherited from ArmResource)
Lists all available geo-locations.
(Inherited from ArmResource)
Lists all available geo-locations.
(Inherited from ArmResource)
GetManagementLock(String, CancellationToken)
Get a management lock by scope.
- Request Path: /{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks/{lockName}
- Operation Id: ManagementLocks_GetByScope
- Default Api Version: 2020-05-01
- Resource: ManagementLockResource
(Inherited from ArmResource)
GetManagementLockAsync(String, CancellationToken)
Get a management lock by scope.
- Request Path: /{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/locks/{lockName}
- Operation Id: ManagementLocks_GetByScope
- Default Api Version: 2020-05-01
- Resource: ManagementLockResource
(Inherited from ArmResource)
Gets a collection of ManagementLockResources in the ArmResource.
(Inherited from ArmResource)
GetPolicyAssignment(String, CancellationToken)
This operation retrieves a single policy assignment, given its name and the scope it was created at.
- Request Path: /{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}
- Operation Id: PolicyAssignments_Get
- Default Api Version: 2022-06-01
- Resource: PolicyAssignmentResource
(Inherited from ArmResource)
GetPolicyAssignmentAsync(String, CancellationToken)
This operation retrieves a single policy assignment, given its name and the scope it was created at.
- Request Path: /{scope}/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/policyAssignments/{policyAssignmentName}
- Operation Id: PolicyAssignments_Get
- Default Api Version: 2022-06-01
- Resource: PolicyAssignmentResource
(Inherited from ArmResource)
Gets a collection of PolicyAssignmentResources in the ArmResource.
(Inherited from ArmResource)
Gets an object representing a SynapseAadOnlyAuthenticationResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, SynapseAadOnlyAuthenticationName) to create a SynapseAadOnlyAuthenticationResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseAttachedDatabaseConfigurationResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseAttachedDatabaseConfigurationResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseBigDataPoolInfoResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseBigDataPoolInfoResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseClusterPrincipalAssignmentResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseClusterPrincipalAssignmentResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseDatabasePrincipalAssignmentResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseDatabasePrincipalAssignmentResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseDatabaseResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseDatabaseResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseDataConnectionResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseDataConnectionResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseDataMaskingPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseDataMaskingPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseDataMaskingRuleResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseDataMaskingRuleResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseDataWarehouseUserActivityResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SynapseDataWarehouseUserActivityName) to create a SynapseDataWarehouseUserActivityResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseDedicatedSqlMinimalTlsSettingResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseDedicatedSqlMinimalTlsSettingResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseEncryptionProtectorResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, SynapseEncryptionProtectorName) to create a SynapseEncryptionProtectorResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, SynapseBlobAuditingPolicyName) to create a SynapseExtendedServerBlobAuditingPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseExtendedSqlPoolBlobAuditingPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseExtendedSqlPoolBlobAuditingPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseGeoBackupPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SynapseGeoBackupPolicyName) to create a SynapseGeoBackupPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseIntegrationRuntimeResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseIntegrationRuntimeResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseIPFirewallRuleInfoResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseIPFirewallRuleInfoResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseKeyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseKeyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseKustoPoolResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseKustoPoolResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseLibraryResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseLibraryResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseMaintenanceWindowOptionResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseMaintenanceWindowOptionResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseMaintenanceWindowResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseMaintenanceWindowResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseManagedIdentitySqlControlSettingResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SynapseManagedIdentitySqlControlSettingResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseMetadataSyncConfigurationResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseMetadataSyncConfigurationResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapsePrivateEndpointConnectionForPrivateLinkHubResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapsePrivateEndpointConnectionForPrivateLinkHubResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapsePrivateEndpointConnectionResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapsePrivateEndpointConnectionResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapsePrivateLinkHubResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SynapsePrivateLinkHubResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapsePrivateLinkResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapsePrivateLinkResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseRecoverableSqlPoolResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseRecoverableSqlPoolResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseReplicationLinkResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseReplicationLinkResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseRestorableDroppedSqlPoolResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseRestorableDroppedSqlPoolResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseRestorePointResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseRestorePointResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSensitivityLabelResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, SynapseSensitivityLabelSource) to create a SynapseSensitivityLabelResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseServerBlobAuditingPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, SynapseBlobAuditingPolicyName) to create a SynapseServerBlobAuditingPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseServerSecurityAlertPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, SqlServerSecurityAlertPolicyName) to create a SynapseServerSecurityAlertPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseServerVulnerabilityAssessmentResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, SynapseVulnerabilityAssessmentName) to create a SynapseServerVulnerabilityAssessmentResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSparkConfigurationResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseSparkConfigurationResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolBlobAuditingPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseSqlPoolBlobAuditingPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolColumnResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseSqlPoolColumnResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolConnectionPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SqlPoolConnectionPolicyName) to create a SynapseSqlPoolConnectionPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseSqlPoolResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolSchemaResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseSqlPoolSchemaResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolSecurityAlertPolicyResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SqlPoolSecurityAlertPolicyName) to create a SynapseSqlPoolSecurityAlertPolicyResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolTableResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseSqlPoolTableResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolVulnerabilityAssessmentResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SynapseVulnerabilityAssessmentName) to create a SynapseSqlPoolVulnerabilityAssessmentResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseSqlPoolVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SynapseVulnerabilityAssessmentName,
String, SynapseVulnerabilityAssessmentPolicyBaselineName) to create a SynapseSqlPoolVulnerabilityAssessmentRuleBaselineResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseTransparentDataEncryptionResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SynapseTransparentDataEncryptionName) to create a SynapseTransparentDataEncryptionResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseVulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, SynapseVulnerabilityAssessmentName, String) to create a SynapseVulnerabilityAssessmentScanRecordResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseWorkloadClassifierResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseWorkloadClassifierResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseWorkloadGroupResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseWorkloadGroupResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseWorkspaceAdministratorResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SynapseWorkspaceAdministratorResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseWorkspacePrivateLinkResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String, String) to create a SynapseWorkspacePrivateLinkResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseWorkspaceResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SynapseWorkspaceResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a SynapseWorkspaceSqlAdministratorResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it but with no data.
You can use CreateResourceIdentifier(String, String, String) to create a SynapseWorkspaceSqlAdministratorResourceResourceIdentifier from its components.
Gets an object representing a TagResource along with the instance operations that can be performed on it in the ArmResource.
(Inherited from ArmResource)
TryGetApiVersion(ResourceType, String)
Gets the api version override if it has been set for the current client options.
(Inherited from ArmResource)