SpacingRuleType.Val Property



Represents the following attribute in the schema: m:val

[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(21, "val")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue Val { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue Val { get; set; }
[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(21, "val")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue? Val { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue? Val { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue? Val { get; set; }
member this.Val : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue with get, set
[<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(21, "val")>]
member this.Val : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue with get, set
member this.Val : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.IntegerValue with get, set
Public Property Val As IntegerValue

Property Value

Returns Int32Value.



The following information from the ECMA International Standard ECMA-376 can be useful when working with this class.

Specifies the type of spacing between rows and/or columns. Possible values are 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, whose definitions are contained in the following table:

Value Column/Row Gap Example
0 Single spacing gap 2c3cc8e4-6060-4896-9a31-a4b69a345f93
1 1.5 spacing gap f04cf0a6-ae2f-4eb8-87a6-e30f0336ffdd
2 2 spacing gap 5e3b7d57-0105-4490-ad9a-7bd1cdc722f6
3 Exactly

(for columns, rely on value of cGp, measured in points)

(for rows, rely on value of rSp, measured in points)
4 Multiple

(for columns, rely on value of cGp, measured in lines)

(for rows, rely on value of rSp, measured in lines)

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_SpacingRule simple type.

Applies to