WriteProtection.CryptographicAlgorithmSid Property


Cryptographic Hashing Algorithm

Represents the following attribute in the schema: w:cryptAlgorithmSid

[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(23, "cryptAlgorithmSid")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value CryptographicAlgorithmSid { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value CryptographicAlgorithmSid { get; set; }
[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(23, "cryptAlgorithmSid")]
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value? CryptographicAlgorithmSid { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value? CryptographicAlgorithmSid { get; set; }
public DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value? CryptographicAlgorithmSid { get; set; }
member this.CryptographicAlgorithmSid : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value with get, set
[<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(23, "cryptAlgorithmSid")>]
member this.CryptographicAlgorithmSid : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value with get, set
member this.CryptographicAlgorithmSid : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Int32Value with get, set
Public Property CryptographicAlgorithmSid As Int32Value

Property Value

Returns Int32Value.



The following information from the ECMA International Standard ECMA-376 can be useful when working with this class.

Specifies the specific cryptographic hashing algorithm which shall be used along with the salt attribute and user-supplied password in order to compute a hash value for comparison.

The possible values for this attribute shall be interpreted as follows:

Value Algorithm
1 MD2
2 MD4
3 MD5
4 SHA-1
7 RIPEMD-160
8 Undefined. Shall not be used.
10 Undefined. Shall not be used.
11 Undefined. Shall not be used.
12 SHA-256
13 SHA-384
14 SHA-512
Any other value Undefined. Shall not be used.

Consider a WordprocessingML document with the following information stored in one of its protection elements:

<w:… w:cryptAlgorithmClass="hash"   
  w:hash="9oN7nWkCAyEZib1RomSJTjmPpCY=" />  

The cryptAlgorithmSid attribute value of 1 specifies that the SHA-1 hashing algorithm shall be used to generate a hash from the user-defined password.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DecimalNumber simple type.

Applies to