TouchEventArgs.ChangedTouches Property


A list of Touches for every point of contact which contributed to the event. For the touchstart event this must be a list of the touch points that just became active with the current event. For the touchmove event this must be a list of the touch points that have moved since the last event. For the touchend and touchcancel events this must be a list of the touch points that have just been removed from the surface.

 property cli::array <Microsoft::AspNetCore::Components::Web::TouchPoint ^> ^ ChangedTouches { cli::array <Microsoft::AspNetCore::Components::Web::TouchPoint ^> ^ get(); void set(cli::array <Microsoft::AspNetCore::Components::Web::TouchPoint ^> ^ value); };
public Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.TouchPoint[] ChangedTouches { get; set; }
member this.ChangedTouches : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web.TouchPoint[] with get, set
Public Property ChangedTouches As TouchPoint()

Property Value

Applies to