IEndpointRouteBuilder Interface


Defines a contract for a route builder in an application. A route builder specifies the routes for an application.

public interface class IEndpointRouteBuilder
public interface IEndpointRouteBuilder
type IEndpointRouteBuilder = interface
Public Interface IEndpointRouteBuilder



Gets the endpoint data sources configured in the builder.


Gets the IServiceProvider used to resolve services for routes.



Creates a new IApplicationBuilder.

Extension Methods

MapBlazorHub(IEndpointRouteBuilder, Action<HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions>)

Maps the Blazor Hub to the default path.

MapBlazorHub(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Action<HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions>)

Maps the Blazor Hub to the path path.

MapBlazorHub(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Maps the Blazor Hub to the path path.


Maps the Blazor Hub to the default path.

MapConnectionHandler<TConnectionHandler>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Action<HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions>)

Maps incoming requests with the specified path to the provided connection pipeline.

MapConnectionHandler<TConnectionHandler>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Maps incoming requests with the specified path to the provided connection pipeline.

MapConnections(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions, Action<IConnectionBuilder>)

Maps incoming requests with the specified path to the provided connection pipeline.

MapConnections(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Action<IConnectionBuilder>)

Maps incoming requests with the specified path to the provided connection pipeline.

MapAreaControllerRoute(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String, Object, Object, Object)

Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder and specifies a route with the given name, areaName, pattern, defaults, constraints, and dataTokens.

MapControllerRoute(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, Object, Object, Object)

Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder and specifies a route with the given name, pattern, defaults, constraints, and dataTokens.


Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder without specifying any routes.


Adds endpoints for controller actions to the IEndpointRouteBuilder and adds the default route {controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}.

MapDynamicControllerRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Object, Int32)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a controller action using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapDynamicControllerRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Object)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a controller action using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapDynamicControllerRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a controller action using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapFallbackToAreaController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, controller, and area.

MapFallbackToAreaController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, controller, and area.

MapFallbackToController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, and controller.

MapFallbackToController(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a controller endpoint that matches action, and controller.

Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder, RoutePattern, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP requests for the specified pattern.

Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder, RoutePattern, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP requests for the specified pattern.

Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP requests for the specified pattern.

Map(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP requests for the specified pattern.

MapDelete(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP DELETE requests for the specified pattern.

MapDelete(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP DELETE requests for the specified pattern.

MapFallback(IEndpointRouteBuilder, Delegate)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority.

MapFallback(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Delegate)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match the provided pattern with the lowest possible priority.

MapGet(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP GET requests for the specified pattern.

MapGet(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP GET requests for the specified pattern.

MapGroup(IEndpointRouteBuilder, RoutePattern)

Creates a RouteGroupBuilder for defining endpoints all prefixed with the specified prefix.

MapGroup(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Creates a RouteGroupBuilder for defining endpoints all prefixed with the specified prefix.

MapMethods(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, IEnumerable<String>, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP requests for the specified HTTP methods and pattern.

MapMethods(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, IEnumerable<String>, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP requests for the specified HTTP methods and pattern.

MapPatch(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP PATCH requests for the specified pattern.

MapPatch(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP PATCH requests for the specified pattern.

MapPost(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP POST requests for the specified pattern.

MapPost(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP POST requests for the specified pattern.

MapPut(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, RequestDelegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP PUT requests for the specified pattern.

MapPut(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Delegate)

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP PUT requests for the specified pattern.

MapFallback(IEndpointRouteBuilder, RequestDelegate)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority.

MapFallback(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, RequestDelegate)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match the provided pattern with the lowest possible priority.

MapHealthChecks(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, HealthCheckOptions)

Adds a health checks endpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder with the specified template and options.

MapHealthChecks(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Adds a health checks endpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder with the specified template.

MapHub<THub>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Action<HttpConnectionDispatcherOptions>)

Maps incoming requests with the specified path to the specified Hub type.

MapHub<THub>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Maps incoming requests with the specified path to the specified Hub type.

MapOpenApi(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Register an endpoint onto the current application for resolving the OpenAPI document associated with the current application.


Maps the page components defined in the specified TRootComponent to the given assembly and renders the component specified by TRootComponent when the route matches.

MapDynamicPageRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Object, Int32)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a page using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapDynamicPageRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, Object)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a page using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapDynamicPageRoute<TTransformer>(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will attempt to select a page using the route values produced by TTransformer.

MapFallbackToAreaPage(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a page endpoint that matches page, and area.

MapFallbackToAreaPage(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a page endpoint that matches page, and area.

MapFallbackToPage(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a page endpoint that matches page.

MapFallbackToPage(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-file-names with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a page endpoint that matches page.


Adds endpoints for Razor Pages to the IEndpointRouteBuilder.

MapStaticAssets(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Maps static files produced during the build as endpoints.

MapFallbackToFile(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, StaticFileOptions)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-filenames with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a StaticFileMiddleware that attempts to serve the file specified by filePath.

MapFallbackToFile(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String, StaticFileOptions)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-filenames with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a StaticFileMiddleware that attempts to serve the file specified by filePath.

MapFallbackToFile(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-filenames with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a StaticFileMiddleware that attempts to serve the file specified by filePath.

MapFallbackToFile(IEndpointRouteBuilder, String)

Adds a specialized RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that will match requests for non-filenames with the lowest possible priority. The request will be routed to a StaticFileMiddleware that attempts to serve the file specified by filePath.


Add endpoints for registering, logging in, and logging out using ASP.NET Core Identity.

MapShortCircuit(IEndpointRouteBuilder, Int32, String[])

Adds a RouteEndpoint to the IEndpointRouteBuilder that matches HTTP requests (all verbs) for the specified prefixes.

Applies to