HttpSysRequestTimingType Enum


Defines the types of request processing timestamps exposed via the Http.Sys HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_INFO extensibility point.

public enum HttpSysRequestTimingType
type HttpSysRequestTimingType = 
Public Enum HttpSysRequestTimingType


ConnectionStart 0

Time the connection started.

DataStart 1

Time the first HTTP byte is received.

Http2HeaderDecodeEnd 14

Time HTTP2 header decoding ends.

Http2HeaderDecodeStart 13

Time HTTP2 header decoding starts.

Http2StreamStart 12

Time HTTP2 streaming starts.

Http3HeaderDecodeEnd 29

Time HTTP3 header decoding ends.

Http3HeaderDecodeStart 28

Time HTTP3 header decoding starts.

Http3StreamStart 27

Time HTTP3 streaming starts.

RequestDeliveredForDelegation 23

Time the request is delivered for delegation.

RequestDeliveredForInspection 20

Time the request is delivered for inspection.

RequestDeliveredForIO 26

Time the request was delivered to the final request queue for processing.

RequestHeaderParseEnd 16

Time HTTP header parsing ends.

RequestHeaderParseStart 15

Time HTTP header parsing starts.

RequestQueuedForDelegation 22

Time the request is queued for delegation.

RequestQueuedForInspection 19

Time the request is queued for inspection.

RequestQueuedForIO 25

Time the request was queued to the final request queue for processing.

RequestReturnedAfterDelegation 24

Time the request was delegated.

RequestReturnedAfterInspection 21

Time the request has finished being inspected.

RequestRoutingEnd 18

Time Http.Sys has determined which request queue to route the request to.

RequestRoutingStart 17

Time Http.Sys starts to determine which request queue to route the request to.

TlsAttributesQueryEnd 9

Time TLS attribute query ends.

TlsAttributesQueryStart 8

Time TLS attribute query starts.

TlsCertificateLoadEnd 3

Time TLS certificate loading ends.

TlsCertificateLoadStart 2

Time TLS certificate loading starts.

TlsClientCertQueryEnd 11

Time TLS client cert query ends.

TlsClientCertQueryStart 10

Time TLS client cert query starts.

TlsHandshakeLeg1End 5

Time TLS leg one handshake ends.

TlsHandshakeLeg1Start 4

Time TLS leg one handshake starts.

TlsHandshakeLeg2End 7

Time TLS leg two handshake ends.

TlsHandshakeLeg2Start 6

Time TLS leg two handshake starts.


Use IHttpSysRequestTimingFeature to access these timestamps.

Applies to