WebTestsOperationsExtensions Class


Extension methods for WebTestsOperations.

public static class WebTestsOperationsExtensions
type WebTestsOperationsExtensions = class
Public Module WebTestsOperationsExtensions


CreateOrUpdate(IWebTestsOperations, String, String, WebTest)

Creates or updates an Application Insights web test definition.

CreateOrUpdateAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, String, WebTest, CancellationToken)

Creates or updates an Application Insights web test definition.

Delete(IWebTestsOperations, String, String)

Deletes an Application Insights web test.

DeleteAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Deletes an Application Insights web test.

Get(IWebTestsOperations, String, String)

Get a specific Application Insights web test definition.

GetAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Get a specific Application Insights web test definition.


Get all Application Insights web test alerts definitions within a subscription.

ListAsync(IWebTestsOperations, CancellationToken)

Get all Application Insights web test alerts definitions within a subscription.

ListByComponent(IWebTestsOperations, String, String)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined for the specified component.

ListByComponentAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined for the specified component.

ListByComponentNext(IWebTestsOperations, String)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined for the specified component.

ListByComponentNextAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined for the specified component.

ListByResourceGroup(IWebTestsOperations, String)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined within a specified resource group.

ListByResourceGroupAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined within a specified resource group.

ListByResourceGroupNext(IWebTestsOperations, String)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined within a specified resource group.

ListByResourceGroupNextAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Get all Application Insights web tests defined within a specified resource group.

ListNext(IWebTestsOperations, String)

Get all Application Insights web test alerts definitions within a subscription.

ListNextAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Get all Application Insights web test alerts definitions within a subscription.

UpdateTags(IWebTestsOperations, String, String, IDictionary<String,String>)

Creates or updates an Application Insights web test definition.

UpdateTagsAsync(IWebTestsOperations, String, String, IDictionary<String,String>, CancellationToken)

Creates or updates an Application Insights web test definition.

Applies to