StorageAccountsOperationsExtensions Class


Extension methods for StorageAccountsOperations.

public static class StorageAccountsOperationsExtensions
type StorageAccountsOperationsExtensions = class
Public Module StorageAccountsOperationsExtensions


BeginCreateOrUpdate(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, StorageAccount, String)

Creates a new StorageAccount or updates an existing StorageAccount on the device.

BeginCreateOrUpdateAsync(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, StorageAccount, String, CancellationToken)

Creates a new StorageAccount or updates an existing StorageAccount on the device.

BeginDelete(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, String)

Deletes the StorageAccount on the Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

BeginDeleteAsync(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, String, CancellationToken)

Deletes the StorageAccount on the Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

CreateOrUpdate(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, StorageAccount, String)

Creates a new StorageAccount or updates an existing StorageAccount on the device.

CreateOrUpdateAsync(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, StorageAccount, String, CancellationToken)

Creates a new StorageAccount or updates an existing StorageAccount on the device.

Delete(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, String)

Deletes the StorageAccount on the Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

DeleteAsync(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, String, CancellationToken)

Deletes the StorageAccount on the Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

Get(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, String)

Gets a StorageAccount by name.

GetAsync(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, String, CancellationToken)

Gets a StorageAccount by name.

ListByDataBoxEdgeDevice(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String)

Lists all the StorageAccounts in a Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

ListByDataBoxEdgeDeviceAsync(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Lists all the StorageAccounts in a Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

ListByDataBoxEdgeDeviceNext(IStorageAccountsOperations, String)

Lists all the StorageAccounts in a Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

ListByDataBoxEdgeDeviceNextAsync(IStorageAccountsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists all the StorageAccounts in a Data Box Edge/Data Box Gateway device.

Applies to