FileSystemOperationsExtensions.SetFileExpiry Method


Sets or removes the expiration time on the specified file. This operation can only be executed against files. Folders are not supported.

public static void SetFileExpiry (this Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations operations, string accountName, string filePath, Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.Models.ExpiryOptionType expiryOption, long? expireTime = default);
public static void SetFileExpiry (this Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations operations, string accountName, string path, Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.Models.ExpiryOptionType expiryOption, long? expireTime = default);
static member SetFileExpiry : Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations * string * string * Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.Models.ExpiryOptionType * Nullable<int64> -> unit
static member SetFileExpiry : Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.IFileSystemOperations * string * string * Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataLake.Store.Models.ExpiryOptionType * Nullable<int64> -> unit
Public Sub SetFileExpiry (operations As IFileSystemOperations, accountName As String, filePath As String, expiryOption As ExpiryOptionType, Optional expireTime As Nullable(Of Long) = Nothing)
Public Sub SetFileExpiry (operations As IFileSystemOperations, accountName As String, path As String, expiryOption As ExpiryOptionType, Optional expireTime As Nullable(Of Long) = Nothing)



The operations group for this extension method.


The Azure Data Lake Store account to execute filesystem operations on.


The Data Lake Store path (starting with '/') of the file on which to set or remove the expiration time.


Indicates the type of expiration to use for the file: 1. NeverExpire: ExpireTime is ignored. 2. RelativeToNow: ExpireTime is an integer in milliseconds representing the expiration date relative to when file expiration is updated. 3. RelativeToCreationDate: ExpireTime is an integer in milliseconds representing the expiration date relative to file creation. 4. Absolute: ExpireTime is an integer in milliseconds, as a Unix timestamp relative to 1/1/1970 00:00:00. Possible values include: 'NeverExpire', 'RelativeToNow', 'RelativeToCreationDate', 'Absolute'


The time that the file will expire, corresponding to the ExpiryOption that was set.

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