IWithGatewayUse.WithoutAnyGatewayUse Method


Disables any gateway use by this network and the remote one. This will have effect on the remote network only if the remote network is in the same subscription as this network. Otherwise, only this network's use of the remote network's gateway will be stopped, but the use of this network's gateway by the remote network will only be disallowed. You will have to update the remote network's peering explicitly to properly stop its use of this network's gateway.

public Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.NetworkPeering.Update.IUpdate WithoutAnyGatewayUse ();
abstract member WithoutAnyGatewayUse : unit -> Microsoft.Azure.Management.Network.Fluent.NetworkPeering.Update.IUpdate
Public Function WithoutAnyGatewayUse () As IUpdate


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