Advisor.AutoExecuteStatusInheritedFrom Property


Gets the resource from which current value of auto-execute status is inherited. Auto-execute status can be set on (and inherited from) different levels in the resource hierarchy. Possible values are 'Subscription', 'Server', 'ElasticPool', 'Database' and 'Default' (when status is not explicitly set on any level). Possible values include: 'Default', 'Subscription', 'Server', 'ElasticPool', 'Database'

public Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Models.AutoExecuteStatusInheritedFrom? AutoExecuteStatusInheritedFrom { get; }
member this.AutoExecuteStatusInheritedFrom : Nullable<Microsoft.Azure.Management.Sql.Models.AutoExecuteStatusInheritedFrom>
Public ReadOnly Property AutoExecuteStatusInheritedFrom As Nullable(Of AutoExecuteStatusInheritedFrom)

Property Value


Applies to