RuleIsCompressionEnabledTypeConverter Class


Indicates whether content compression is enabled. If compression is enabled, content will be served as compressed if user requests for a compressed version. Content won't be compressed on AzureFrontDoor when requested content is smaller than 1 byte or larger than 1 MB.

public class RuleIsCompressionEnabledTypeConverter : System.Management.Automation.PSTypeConverter
type RuleIsCompressionEnabledTypeConverter = class
    inherit PSTypeConverter
Public Class RuleIsCompressionEnabledTypeConverter
Inherits PSTypeConverter




CanConvertFrom(Object, Type)

Determines if the converter can convert the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter.

CanConvertTo(Object, Type)

Determines if the converter can convert the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter.

ConvertFrom(Object, Type, IFormatProvider, Boolean)

Converts the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter using formatProvider and ignoreCase

ConvertTo(Object, Type, IFormatProvider, Boolean)

NotImplemented -- this will return null

Applies to