IInboundNatRulePropertiesFormat.FrontendPortRangeStart Property


The port range start for the external endpoint. This property is used together with BackendAddressPool and FrontendPortRangeEnd. Individual inbound NAT rule port mappings will be created for each backend address from BackendAddressPool. Acceptable values range from 1 to 65534.

[Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CloudService.Runtime.Info(Description="The port range start for the external endpoint. This property is used together with BackendAddressPool and FrontendPortRangeEnd. Individual inbound NAT rule port mappings will be created for each backend address from BackendAddressPool. Acceptable values range from 1 to 65534.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.Int32) }, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="frontendPortRangeStart")]
public int? FrontendPortRangeStart { get; set; }
[<Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CloudService.Runtime.Info(Description="The port range start for the external endpoint. This property is used together with BackendAddressPool and FrontendPortRangeEnd. Individual inbound NAT rule port mappings will be created for each backend address from BackendAddressPool. Acceptable values range from 1 to 65534.", PossibleTypes=new System.Type[] { typeof(System.Int32) }, ReadOnly=false, Required=false, SerializedName="frontendPortRangeStart")>]
member this.FrontendPortRangeStart : Nullable<int> with get, set
Public Property FrontendPortRangeStart As Nullable(Of Integer)

Property Value


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