AllocationStateTypeConverter Class


Allocation state of the compute. Possible values are: steady - Indicates that the compute is not resizing. There are no changes to the number of compute nodes in the compute in progress. A compute enters this state when it is created and when no operations are being performed on the compute to change the number of compute nodes. resizing - Indicates that the compute is resizing; that is, compute nodes are being added to or removed from the compute.

public class AllocationStateTypeConverter : System.Management.Automation.PSTypeConverter
type AllocationStateTypeConverter = class
    inherit PSTypeConverter
Public Class AllocationStateTypeConverter
Inherits PSTypeConverter




CanConvertFrom(Object, Type)

Determines if the converter can convert the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter.

CanConvertTo(Object, Type)

Determines if the converter can convert the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter.

ConvertFrom(Object, Type, IFormatProvider, Boolean)

Converts the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter using formatProvider and ignoreCase

ConvertTo(Object, Type, IFormatProvider, Boolean)

NotImplemented -- this will return null

Applies to