ApplicationSharingPolicyTypeConverter Class


Policy for sharing applications on this compute instance among users of parent workspace. If Personal, only the creator can access applications on this compute instance. When Shared, any workspace user can access applications on this instance depending on his/her assigned role.

public class ApplicationSharingPolicyTypeConverter : System.Management.Automation.PSTypeConverter
type ApplicationSharingPolicyTypeConverter = class
    inherit PSTypeConverter
Public Class ApplicationSharingPolicyTypeConverter
Inherits PSTypeConverter




CanConvertFrom(Object, Type)

Determines if the converter can convert the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter.

CanConvertTo(Object, Type)

Determines if the converter can convert the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter.

ConvertFrom(Object, Type, IFormatProvider, Boolean)

Converts the sourceValue parameter to the destinationType parameter using formatProvider and ignoreCase

ConvertTo(Object, Type, IFormatProvider, Boolean)

NotImplemented -- this will return null

Applies to