ColorMaterial.AlbedoColor Property


Constant albedo color.

 property Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::Color4 AlbedoColor { Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::Color4 get(); void set(Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::Color4 value); };
public Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.Color4 AlbedoColor { get; set; }
member this.AlbedoColor : Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.Color4 with get, set
Public Property AlbedoColor As Color4

Property Value


This color is modulated with the color from the AlbedoTexture. The alpha channel represents the opacity, in case the material is flagged as transparent (ColorTransparencyMode). Can be set to the same allowed value range as for AlbedoColor but will be clamped to [0;1] during rendering.

Applies to