RenderingSession.RenewAsync(RenderingSessionUpdateOptions) Method


Updates the session parameters for this rendering session.

 System::Threading::Tasks::Task<Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::SessionContextResult ^> ^ RenewAsync(Microsoft::Azure::RemoteRendering::RenderingSessionUpdateOptions updateOptions);
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.SessionContextResult> RenewAsync (Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.RenderingSessionUpdateOptions updateOptions);
member this.RenewAsync : Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.RenderingSessionUpdateOptions -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Microsoft.Azure.RemoteRendering.SessionContextResult>
Public Function RenewAsync (updateOptions As RenderingSessionUpdateOptions) As Task(Of SessionContextResult)



The new parameters to use


A task with a result context containing success information. The returned task will complete in an arbitrary thread.


See RenderingSessionUpdateOptions for details.

Since the underlying call is a REST call, there should be sufficient delay (5-10s) between subsequent calls to avoid server throttling. In case of throttling, the function will fail and the HttpResponseCode reports code 429 ("too many requests").

* A InvalidParam error occurs if the rendering service URL was empty, because the account domain and account Id was not provided, or if the maxLeaseTimeMinutes value was invalid. It has to be bigger than the current value of maxLeaseTimeMinutes. * A AuthenticationFailed error occurs if the request could not be authenticated. * A NotInitialized error occurs if the RemoteRenderingClient was not initialized. * A TooManyRequests error occurs if the rate limit has been exceeded. Retry the request after the duration given in the Retry-After header. * A DomainUnreachable error occurs if remote rendering domain is unreachable. Url may be invalid or Azure Remote Rendering is not supported in this region. * A ConnectionRefused error occurs if remote rendering connection is refused by destination host. * A ConnectionFailed error occurs if remote rendering connection failed. Exact reason is unknown. * A Timeout error occurs if remote rendering connection timed out.

Applies to