DictTable.Deleteactiontableid(Int32) Method


Returns the table ID of a table's delete action that is specified by an index.

 virtual int Deleteactiontableid(int cnt);
public virtual int Deleteactiontableid (int cnt);
abstract member Deleteactiontableid : int -> int
override this.Deleteactiontableid : int -> int
Public Overridable Function Deleteactiontableid (cnt As Integer) As Integer



A one-based index to the list of the delete actions for the table. The list is in AOT order.


The table ID of the table's delete action that is specified by cnt; 0 (zero) if the cnt value does not represent a valid delete action index.


The following example shows the use of the deleteActionTableId method to retrieve the names of tables that have delete actions for the CustTable table.

DictTable dt, dt2; 
int       i; 
dt = new DictTable(tablenum(CustTable)); 
if (dt) 
    for (i=1; i <= dt.deleteActionCnt(); i++) 
        dt2 = new DictTable(dt.deleteActionTableId(i)); 
        if (dt2) 
            print dt2.name(); 

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