PickOptions.FileTypes Property


List of file types that file file picker should return.

 property Microsoft::Maui::Storage::FilePickerFileType ^ FileTypes { Microsoft::Maui::Storage::FilePickerFileType ^ get(); void set(Microsoft::Maui::Storage::FilePickerFileType ^ value); };
public Microsoft.Maui.Storage.FilePickerFileType? FileTypes { get; set; }
member this.FileTypes : Microsoft.Maui.Storage.FilePickerFileType with get, set
Public Property FileTypes As FilePickerFileType

Property Value


On Android and iOS the files not matching this list are shown in the file picker, but will be grayed out and cannot be selected. When the Value array is null or empty, all file types can be selected while picking. The contents of this array is platform specific; every platform has its own way to specify the file types.

On Android you can specify one or more MIME types, e.g. image/png. Additionally, wildcard characters can be used, e.g. image/*

On iOS, you can specify UTType constants, e.g. UTType.Image.

On Windows, you can specify a list of extensions, like this: ".jpg", ".png".

Applies to