_XDocument3.DataObjects Property


Gets a reference to the DataObjectsCollection collection that is associated with a form.

 property Microsoft::Office::Interop::InfoPath::DataObjectsCollection ^ DataObjects { Microsoft::Office::Interop::InfoPath::DataObjectsCollection ^ get(); };
public Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath.DataObjectsCollection DataObjects { get; }
member this.DataObjects : Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath.DataObjectsCollection
Public ReadOnly Property DataObjects As DataObjectsCollection

Property Value

A reference to the DataObjectsCollection collection that is associated with a form.



In the following example, the DataObjects property of the XDocument object is used to set a reference to the "CityList" secondary data source:

object objDataObject;
objDataObject = thisXDocument.<span class="label">DataObjects</span>["CityList"];

In the following example, implemented as an OnClick event handler for a button on a form, the DataObjects property of the XDocument object is used to set a reference to the DataObjectsCollection collection. The code then loops through the collection and displays the positional index and name of each DataSourceObject object that it contains:

public void ShowDataObjectNames_OnClick(DocActionEvent e)
 // Set a reference to the DataObjects collection.
 DataObjectsCollection dataObjects = thisXDocument.<span class="label">DataObjects</span>;

 // Loop through the collection and display the name
 // of each DataObject object that it contains.
 for (int i=0; i &lt; dataObjects.Count; i++)
  thisXDocument.UI.Alert("Data object " + i + ": " + dataObjects[i].Name);

In the following example, the DataObjects property of the XDocument object is used to set a reference to the "CityList" secondary data source:

object objDataObject;
objDataObject = thisXDocument.<span class="label">DataObjects</span>["CityList"];

In the following example, implemented as an OnClick event handler for a button on a form, the DataObjects property of the XDocument object is used to set a reference to the DataObjectsCollection collection. The code then loops through the collection and displays the positional index and name of each DataSourceObject object that it contains:

public void ShowDataObjectNames_OnClick(DocActionEvent e)
 // Set a reference to the DataObjects collection.
 DataObjectsCollection dataObjects = thisXDocument.<span class="label">DataObjects</span>;

 // Loop through the collection and display the name
 // of each DataObject object that it contains.
 for (int i=0; i &lt; dataObjects.Count; i++)
  thisXDocument.UI.Alert("Data object " + i + ": " + dataObjects[i].Name);


The DataObjects collection provides programmatic access to a form's secondary data sources. Each secondary data source is contained in a DataSourceObject object within the DataObjects collection.

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