AutoCorrect Interface


Represents the AutoCorrect functionality in Microsoft Word.

public interface class AutoCorrect
public interface AutoCorrect
type AutoCorrect = interface
Public Interface AutoCorrect


Use the AutoCorrect property to return the AutoCorrect object.

The Entries property returns the AutoCorrectEntries object that represents the AutoCorrect entries in the AutoCorrect dialog box (Tools menu).



Returns a Application object that represents the creator of the specified object.


Returns or sets a value that indicates if Microsoft Word automatically corrects instances in which you use the CAPS LOCK key inadvertently as you type.


Returns or sets a value that indicates if Microsoft Word automatically capitalizes the first letter of days of the week.


Returns or sets a value that indicates if Microsoft Word automatically applies the correct font to Latin words typed in the middle of Hangul text or vice versa.


Returns or sets a value that indicates if Microsoft Word automatically makes the second letter lowercase if the first two letters of a word are typed in uppercase. For example, "WOrd" is corrected to "Word."


Returns or sets a value that indicates if Microsoft Word automatically transposes words to their native alphabet if you type text in a language other than the current keyboard language.


Returns or sets a value that indicates if Microsoft Word automatically capitalizes the first letter in each sentence.


Returns or sets a value that indicates whether to automatically capitalize the first letter of table cells.


Returns a value that indicates the application in which the specified object was created.


Returns or sets a value that indicates whether to display the AutoCorrect Options button.


Returns a value that indicates a AutoCorrectEntries collection that represents the current list of AutoCorrect entries.


Returns or sets a value that indicates if Microsoft Word automatically adds abbreviations to the list of AutoCorrect First Letter exceptions.


Returns a FirstLetterExceptions collection that represents the list of abbreviations after which Microsoft Word won't automatically capitalize the next letter.


Returns or sets a value that indicates whether to automatically add words to the list of Hangul and alphabet AutoCorrect exceptions on the Korean tab in the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box.


Returns a HangulAndAlphabetExceptions collection that represents the list of Hangul and alphabet AutoCorrect exceptions.


Returns or sets a value that indicates whether to add words to the list of AutoCorrect exceptions on the Other Corrections tab in the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box.


Returns a OtherCorrectionsExceptions collection that represents the list of words that Microsoft Word won't correct automatically.


Returns an object that represents the parent object of the specified object.


Returns or sets a value that indicates whether to automatically replace specified text with entries from the AutoCorrect list.


Returns or sets a value that indicates whether to automatically replace misspelled text with suggestions from the spelling checker as the user types.


Returns or sets a value that indicates whether to automatically add words to the list of AutoCorrect Initial Caps exceptions.


Returns a TwoInitialCapsExceptions collection that represents the list of terms containing mixed capitalization that Microsoft Word won't correct automatically.

Applies to