IAuthenticationManager Interface


Used to interact with authentication middleware that have been chained in the pipeline

public interface IAuthenticationManager
type IAuthenticationManager = interface
Public Interface IAuthenticationManager



Exposes the security.Challenge environment value as a strong type.


Exposes the security.SignIn environment value as a strong type.


Exposes the security.SignOut environment value as a strong type.


Returns the current user for the request



Call back through the middleware to ask for a specific form of authentication to be performed on the current request


Called to perform any number of authentication mechanisms on the current request.

Challenge(AuthenticationProperties, String[])

Add information into the response environment that will cause the authentication middleware to challenge the caller to authenticate. This also changes the status code of the response to 401. The nature of that challenge varies greatly, and ranges from adding a response header or changing the 401 status code to a 302 redirect.


Add information into the response environment that will cause the authentication middleware to challenge the caller to authenticate. This also changes the status code of the response to 401. The nature of that challenge varies greatly, and ranges from adding a response header or changing the 401 status code to a 302 redirect.


Lists all of the description data provided by authentication middleware that have been chained


Lists the description data of all of the authentication middleware which are true for a given predicate

SignIn(AuthenticationProperties, ClaimsIdentity[])

Add information to the response environment that will cause the appropriate authentication middleware to grant a claims-based identity to the recipient of the response. The exact mechanism of this may vary. Examples include setting a cookie, to adding a fragment on the redirect url, or producing an OAuth2 access code or token response.


Add information to the response environment that will cause the appropriate authentication middleware to grant a claims-based identity to the recipient of the response. The exact mechanism of this may vary. Examples include setting a cookie, to adding a fragment on the redirect url, or producing an OAuth2 access code or token response.

SignOut(AuthenticationProperties, String[])

Add information to the response environment that will cause the appropriate authentication middleware to revoke any claims identity associated the the caller. The exact method varies.


Add information to the response environment that will cause the appropriate authentication middleware to revoke any claims identity associated the the caller. The exact method varies.

Applies to