Extensions.GetComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgressAsync Method


Retrieves the upgrade progress of the specified compose deployment.

public static System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Fabric.ComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgress> GetComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgressAsync (this System.Fabric.FabricClient.ComposeDeploymentClient client, string deploymentName);
static member GetComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgressAsync : System.Fabric.FabricClient.ComposeDeploymentClient * string -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task<System.Fabric.ComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgress>
Public Function GetComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgressAsync (client As FabricClient.ComposeDeploymentClient, deploymentName As String) As Task(Of ComposeDeploymentUpgradeProgress)



The name of the deployment.


A Task whose result is the upgrade progress of the specified compose deployment.


The FabricClient object is in a closed state. Dispose of the FabricClient object you are using and instantiate a new FabricClient object.

ComposeDeploymentNotFound: The compose deployment does not exist.

The request timed out but may have already been accepted for processing by the system.

The request was canceled before the timeout expired but may have already been accepted for processing by the system.

Applies to