AnimationSet.IsSequential Property


Gets or sets a value indicating whether top level animation nodes in this collection are invoked sequentially. This applies to both AnimationScope nodes (which will still trigger contained animations at the same time), and other top level animation nodes. The default value is false, which means that all contained animations will start at the same time.

Note that this property will also cause a change in behavior for the animation. With the default configuration, with all animations starting at the same time, it's not possible to use multiple animations targeting the same property (as they'll cause a conflict and be ignored when on the composition layer, or cause a crash when on the XAML layer). When animations are started sequentially instead, each sequential block will be able to share target properties with animations from other sequential blocks, without issues. Note that especially for simple scenarios (eg. an opacity animation that just transitions to a state and then back, or between two states), it is recommended to use a single keyframe animation instead, which will result in less overhead when creating and starting the animation.

public bool IsSequential { get; set; }
member this.IsSequential : bool with get, set
Public Property IsSequential As Boolean

Property Value

Applies to