ConnectedServiceProvider.GetSupportedTechnologyLinks Method


Gets a list of hyperlinks to display on the right side of the Connected Services "Selection" dialog under "Supported technologies".

 virtual System::Collections::Generic::IEnumerable<Tuple<System::String ^, Uri ^> ^> ^ GetSupportedTechnologyLinks();
public virtual System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Tuple<string,Uri>> GetSupportedTechnologyLinks ();
abstract member GetSupportedTechnologyLinks : unit -> seq<string * Uri>
override this.GetSupportedTechnologyLinks : unit -> seq<string * Uri>
Public Overridable Function GetSupportedTechnologyLinks () As IEnumerable(Of Tuple(Of String, Uri))


An IEnumerable of Tuple instances. The string is the text that gets displayed in the UI and the Uri is the location that is opened when the hyperlink is executed.

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