DiagnosticTags Enum


Metadata about the diagnostic.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum class DiagnosticTags
public enum DiagnosticTags
type DiagnosticTags = 
Public Enum DiagnosticTags


BuildError 4

Diagnostic coming from the build (see VSDiagnosticTags.BuildError).

Deprecated 2

Deprecated or obsolete code.

HiddenInEditor 64

Do not drawn an error indicator in the editor.

HiddenInErrorList 16

Do not show this diagnostic in the error list.

None 0

No tags associated with the diagnostic.

PotentialDuplicate 8

Diagnostics with this tag will be considered duplicates and hidden from the end-user when the DiagnosticCollection that contains it is superceeded.

SuppressEditorToolTip 128

Do not show a tool tip for the error in the editor.

TaskItem 256

Shows this item as a task item in the VS TODO list.

Unnecessary 1

Unused or unnecessary code.

VisibleInErrorList 32

Show this diagnostic in the error list.


The enumeration values match those in LSP DiagnosticTag.

Applies to