IVsTextMarkerType.GetPriorityIndex(Int32) Method


Returns the priority index for the custom marker type, with the highest priority value receiving the topmost placement.

 int GetPriorityIndex([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int % piPriorityIndex);
int GetPriorityIndex([Runtime::InteropServices::Out] int & piPriorityIndex);
public int GetPriorityIndex (out int piPriorityIndex);
abstract member GetPriorityIndex : int -> int
Public Function GetPriorityIndex (ByRef piPriorityIndex As Integer) As Integer



[out] Pointer to the priority index for the type of text marker. For a list of piPriorityIndex values, see MARKERTYPE.


If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns an error code.


COM Signature

From textmgr.idl:

HRESULT IVsTextMarkerType::GetPriorityIndex(  
   [out] long *piPriorityIndex  

Use this method to determine a priority level for your custom marker type. All of the marker types provided with the Visual Studio core text editor have default priorities associated with them. A marker type's priority is used to determine how the marker type is handled for commands, and so on.

Applies to