IRegistryTools Interface


Helper class to get information from the Registry

public interface class IRegistryTools
public interface IRegistryTools
type IRegistryTools = interface
Public Interface IRegistryTools


GetRegistryIntValueFromLocalMachineRoot(String, String, Boolean, Nullable<Int32>)

Get int registry value from the HKLM root Registry.

GetRegistryIntValueFromLocalMachineRoot(String, String, Nullable<Int32>)

Get int registry value from the HKLM root Registry.

GetRegistryValueFromCurrentUserRoot(String, String, Object)

Get registry key value from the HKCU root Registry.

GetRegistryValueFromLocalMachineRoot(String, String, Boolean, Object)

Get registry key value from the HKLM root Registry.

GetRegistryValueFromLocalMachineRoot(String, String, Object)

Get registry key value from the HKLM root Registry.

SetRegistryFromCurrentUserRoot(String, String, Object)

Sets a value in the registry from the HKCU root Registry.

SetRegistryFromLocalMachineRoot(String, String, Object, Boolean)

Sets a value in the registry from the HKLM root Registry

Applies to