FileContext.InputFiles Property


Gets the set of workspace-relative paths to files that served as inputs to computing this context. This is not the set of source files that would go into a compilation unit, but rather the set of files read to determine how to assembly the context.

 property System::Collections::Generic::IReadOnlyCollection<System::String ^> ^ InputFiles { System::Collections::Generic::IReadOnlyCollection<System::String ^> ^ get(); };
public System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<string> InputFiles { get; }
member this.InputFiles : System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection<string>
Public ReadOnly Property InputFiles As IReadOnlyCollection(Of String)

Property Value


This collection may be used to know when to refresh this context (e.g. when the user changes the project file or project.lock.json).

Applies to