IAuthorizedDedicatedCircuitOperations Interface


public interface IAuthorizedDedicatedCircuitOperations
type IAuthorizedDedicatedCircuitOperations = interface
Public Interface IAuthorizedDedicatedCircuitOperations


GetAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Dedicated Circuit operation retrieves the specified authorized dedicated circuit.


The List Dedicated Circuit operation retrieves a list of dedicated circuits owned by the customer.

Extension Methods

Get(IAuthorizedDedicatedCircuitOperations, String)

The Get Dedicated Circuit operation retrieves the specified authorized dedicated circuit.

GetAsync(IAuthorizedDedicatedCircuitOperations, String)

The Get Dedicated Circuit operation retrieves the specified authorized dedicated circuit.


The List Dedicated Circuit operation retrieves a list of dedicated circuits owned by the customer.


The List Dedicated Circuit operation retrieves a list of dedicated circuits owned by the customer.

Applies to