IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations Interface


public interface IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations
type IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations = interface
Public Interface IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations


BeginNewAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringNewParameters, CancellationToken)

The New Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation creates a new Border Gateway Protocol Peering

BeginRemoveAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BgpPeerAddressType, CancellationToken)

The Remove Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation deletes an existing border gateway protocol peering.

BeginUpdateAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringUpdateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Update Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation updates an existing bgp peering.

GetAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, CancellationToken)

The Get Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation retrieves the bgp peering for the dedicated circuit with the specified service key.

GetOperationStatusAsync(String, CancellationToken)

The Get Express Route operation status gets information on the status of Express Route operations in Windows Azure. (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj154112.aspx for more information)

NewAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringNewParameters, CancellationToken)

The New Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation creates a new border gateway protocol peering associated with the dedicated circuit specified by the service key provided.

RemoveAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BgpPeerAddressType, CancellationToken)

The Remove Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation deletes an existing border gateway protocol peering.

UpdateAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringUpdateParameters, CancellationToken)

The Update Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation updates an existing border gateway protocol peering or creates a new one if one doesn't exist.

Extension Methods

BeginNew(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringNewParameters)

The New Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation creates a new Border Gateway Protocol Peering

BeginNewAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringNewParameters)

The New Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation creates a new Border Gateway Protocol Peering

BeginRemove(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BgpPeerAddressType)

The Remove Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation deletes an existing border gateway protocol peering.

BeginRemoveAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BgpPeerAddressType)

The Remove Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation deletes an existing border gateway protocol peering.

BeginUpdate(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringUpdateParameters)

The Update Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation updates an existing bgp peering.

BeginUpdateAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringUpdateParameters)

The Update Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation updates an existing bgp peering.

Get(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType)

The Get Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation retrieves the bgp peering for the dedicated circuit with the specified service key.

GetAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType)

The Get Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation retrieves the bgp peering for the dedicated circuit with the specified service key.

GetOperationStatus(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String)

The Get Express Route operation status gets information on the status of Express Route operations in Windows Azure. (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj154112.aspx for more information)

GetOperationStatusAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String)

The Get Express Route operation status gets information on the status of Express Route operations in Windows Azure. (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windowsazure/jj154112.aspx for more information)

New(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringNewParameters)

The New Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation creates a new border gateway protocol peering associated with the dedicated circuit specified by the service key provided.

NewAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringNewParameters)

The New Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation creates a new border gateway protocol peering associated with the dedicated circuit specified by the service key provided.

Remove(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BgpPeerAddressType)

The Remove Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation deletes an existing border gateway protocol peering.

RemoveAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BgpPeerAddressType)

The Remove Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation deletes an existing border gateway protocol peering.

Update(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringUpdateParameters)

The Update Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation updates an existing border gateway protocol peering or creates a new one if one doesn't exist.

UpdateAsync(IBorderGatewayProtocolPeeringOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType, BorderGatewayProtocolPeeringUpdateParameters)

The Update Border Gateway Protocol Peering operation updates an existing border gateway protocol peering or creates a new one if one doesn't exist.

Applies to