IDedicatedCircuitPeeringStatsOperations Interface


public interface IDedicatedCircuitPeeringStatsOperations
type IDedicatedCircuitPeeringStatsOperations = interface
Public Interface IDedicatedCircuitPeeringStatsOperations


GetAsync(String, BgpPeeringAccessType, CancellationToken)

The Get Dedicated Circuit Stats operation retrieves the bytesin/bytesout of the dedicated circuit on primary/secondary devices for specified peering type.

Extension Methods

Get(IDedicatedCircuitPeeringStatsOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType)

The Get Dedicated Circuit Stats operation retrieves the bytesin/bytesout of the dedicated circuit on primary/secondary devices for specified peering type.

GetAsync(IDedicatedCircuitPeeringStatsOperations, String, BgpPeeringAccessType)

The Get Dedicated Circuit Stats operation retrieves the bytesin/bytesout of the dedicated circuit on primary/secondary devices for specified peering type.

Applies to