ClusterState Enum


Possible states of an HDInsight cluster.

public enum ClusterState
type ClusterState = 
Public Enum ClusterState


Accepted 1

A create container was received but a HostService DNS name has not been created yet.

AzureVMConfiguration 3

The Azure compute fabric is provisioning VM's prior to HDInsight installation.

CertRolloverQueued 13

A cluster cert rollover queued.

ClusterCustomization 15

Cluster is customizing.

ClusterStorageProvisioned 2

The cluster storage is provisioned.

DeletePending 9

Deployment and or Container Delete request queued.

Deleting 10

Deployment or Container is being deleted.

Error 11

Container is in error state.

HDInsightConfiguration 4

VM provisioning is complete and the HDInsight components are installing.

Operational 5

Greater than 90% of the nodes are operational.

PatchQueued 7

A patch has been initiated.

ReadyForDeployment 0

The DNS name has been successfully validated and a Azure HostedService has been created.

ResizeQueued 8

A resize has been initialized.

Running 6

100% of the nodes are running.

TimedOut 12

Cluster provisioning has timed out.

Unknown 14

Container is in unkown state.

Applies to