IHDInsightApplicationHistorySyncClient Interface


Represents the HDInsight Application History sync client.

public interface IHDInsightApplicationHistorySyncClient
type IHDInsightApplicationHistorySyncClient = interface
Public Interface IHDInsightApplicationHistorySyncClient


DownloadApplicationLogs(ApplicationContainerDetails, String)

Downloads logs for a specific container within a YARN application. Logs will be downloaded to the specified download location.

DownloadApplicationLogs(ApplicationContainerDetails, String, TimeSpan)

Downloads logs for a specific container within a YARN application. Logs will be downloaded to the specified download location.

DownloadApplicationLogs(ApplicationDetails, String)

Downloads application logs for the specified application. Logs will be downloaded to the specified download location.

DownloadApplicationLogs(ApplicationDetails, String, TimeSpan)

Downloads application logs for the specified application. Logs will be downloaded to the specified download location.


Get details on the specified application.


Lists attempts made to complete the specified application.


Lists containers associated with the specified application run on the specified cluster.


Lists completed applications.

ListCompletedApplications(DateTime, DateTime)

Lists completed applications that were submitted within the specified time window.

Applies to