ConfigOptions.ExcludedTraceCategories Property


Sets the set of trace categories that are excluded from being logged. Each trace has a "Category" indicating the origin (i.e. the "source") of the trace. An application may use the LogCategories as suggested categories, or simply leave out the category which will use the value provided by the CallerMemberNameAttribute. A log with a category that matches any of the excluded prefixes will not get logged. By default system logs are not logged to the application logs. This is achieved by excluding logs starting with the prefix "Service.". If clearing this exclusion, the application will see all system logs in addition to any other logs logged by the application.

public System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<string> ExcludedTraceCategories { get; }
member this.ExcludedTraceCategories : System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<string>
Public ReadOnly Property ExcludedTraceCategories As Collection(Of String)

Property Value

Applies to