IScheduledJobSelector.SelectJob(String) Method


Returns a collection of scheduled jobs matching a given jobName. If the collection is empty then no scheduled job was found. If more than one scheduled jobs were found then multiple conflicting scheduled jobs have been found. This can for example be if multiple jobs with the same type name but differing namespaces have been registered. If exactly one scheduled job is returned then that is the job that should be executed.

public System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.ScheduledJobs.ScheduledJobDescriptor> SelectJob (string jobName);
abstract member SelectJob : string -> System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.ScheduledJobs.ScheduledJobDescriptor>
Public Function SelectJob (jobName As String) As ICollection(Of ScheduledJobDescriptor)



The name of the scheduled job to look for.


A collection of matches found.

Applies to