IGrainLocator Interface


Used to locate Grain activation in the cluster

public interface IGrainLocator
type IGrainLocator = interface
Public Interface IGrainLocator



Removes the specified address from the lookup cache.


Invalidates any lookup cache entry associated with the provided grain id.


Finds the corresponding address for a grain.

Register(GrainAddress, GrainAddress)

Registers the provided address in the appropriate grain directory.

TryLookupInCache(GrainId, GrainAddress)

Attempts to find the grain address for the provided grain id in the local lookup cache.

Unregister(GrainAddress, UnregistrationCause)

Deregisters a grain address from the directory.

UpdateCache(GrainId, SiloAddress)

Updates the cache with a grain placement decision or known activation address.

Applies to