IMembershipTable.UpdateIAmAlive(MembershipEntry) Method


Updates the IAmAlive part (column) of the MembershipEntry for this silo. This operation should only update the IAmAlive column and not change other columns. This operation is a "dirty write" or "in place update" and is performed without etag validation. With regards to eTags update: This operation may automatically update the eTag associated with the given silo row, but it does not have to. It can also leave the etag not changed ("dirty write"). With regards to TableVersion: this operation should not change the TableVersion of the table. It should leave it untouched. There is no scenario where this operation could fail due to table semantical reasons. It can only fail due to network problems or table unavailability.

public System.Threading.Tasks.Task UpdateIAmAlive (Orleans.MembershipEntry entry);
abstract member UpdateIAmAlive : Orleans.MembershipEntry -> System.Threading.Tasks.Task
Public Function UpdateIAmAlive (entry As MembershipEntry) As Task



Task representing the successful execution of this operation.

Applies to